5 Tips For Communicating During a Pandemic
There’s no doubt that COVID-19 already has changed the way we live, the way we shop, the way we interact with others – and, of course, the way we do business. Especially, it’s changed the way we communicate.
During this time of uncertainty, here are five tips to keep in mind when communicating:
1. Listen. Futurist Peter Shankman says the first rule is to “listen” intentionally. Ask questions. See how you can help. Truly be compassionate and be there for others.
2. Solve a Problem. Instead of just trying to “sell” someone something, offer a solution for people. One of my favorite dance companies, ODC San Francisco, is offering daily videos that either inspire you to “keep moving” or show you how their dancers “keep moving.”
3. Add value. Don’t just do the same old thing as you communicate. Think of how you can add value to the people with whom you’re communicating. Provide something extra.
4. When you reach out, be authentic. Yes, show compassion – but do it with authenticity. And be yourself.
5. Show gratitude. It goes without saying that this is a terrible time. Those that can find the silver lining – and give thanks for the new ways we’re connecting and communicating with each other – are the ones who can help provide a pathway out of this crisis.
Most of all, stay healthy, be positive, stay at home, wash your hands, wear your masks and stay six feet away from everyone.
We will get through this.
Posted in PRGN Rumbo What Valentina thinks